There is a dark side to the medical profession. The more a medic learns
about healing people and boosting them with chemicals, the more they know about
their weaknesses. Chall is a long-lasting poison that greatly weakens the
normal healing process of anyone unfortunate enough to have it in their system.
Note: use of Chall against a player is considered a PK attempt.
Abuse of Chall against a player is subject to the Jerk clause.
See Also: RefillInjectMedic
Surgeon Level 90
Usage: surgical
Surgeons being the expert of delicate biological features, they are
more than well enough prepared to target their strikes to more
critical areas of an opponent.
The target argument is not necessary while in combat. However,
if you specify who you would like to strike, your character will
attempt to make a surgical strike (or initate combat) with
the target you provide.
Some weapons can have secondary weapon systems installed. Wielders can
fire these systems, potentially causing significant damage to the target.
There are several types of secondary weapon systems. They can be installed
from installation kits found throughout the galaxy, or by Inventors.
Secondary Weapon Ammo Weapon Types
-------------- -------- -------------
Grenade Launcher grenade Blasters & Ranged Weapons
Rocket Launcher rocket Blasters & Ranged Weapons
Flamethrower fuel Blasters & Ranged Weapons
Ion Cannon ion cell Blasters & Ranged Weapons
Bayonet none Blasters & Ranged Weapons
Non-Lethal non-lethal Blasters & Ranged Weapons
Static Discharge static cell Melee & Dagger Weapons
Static Field static cell Melee & Dagger Weapons
Secondary weapon systems are intended for two-handed weapons. They may
be installed on one-handed weapons, but their accuracy will be reduced.
They cannot be installed on holdable weapons.
To load ammunition, the system and ammo type must match, and, if used
quickly, the system may need to be proactively reloaded.
See Also: Armor systems ammoForgeFireStabReloadInstall kit
Usage: fire
This command allows you to fire a secondary weapon if you have one
installed on your primary weapon. It is also used to fire vehicle
and ship weapon systems.
See Also: Secondary weaponFireForge
Surgeon Level 72
Usage: sremove