For changing your position. If you are low on Hit Points, Focus
Points, or Movement Points, RESTing or SLEEPing is a good idea.
Be careful of where you choose to rest or sleep however. Mobs may
attack while you are doing one of these, and do greater damage than
if you were standing.
Just like in real life, the longer you rest the better you recuperate.
But constantly getting up, doing things, and disturbing your rest will
result in slower recovery.
See Also: SleepRegeneration
Usage: wear
Also, to wear everything in your inventory (or at least try to, as
wearing things like loaves of bread is not a good way to win friends
and influence people) you can type WEAR ALL.
Optionally, you can specify what part of your body to wear the
equipment on.
> wear boots
> wear all.rings
> wear all
> wear guards arm
See Also: RemoveEquipmentInventory
Usage: weather
You can use this command to view the weather for your current area.
Obviously, this will only work if you're not indoors or in a building.
Some storms can get deadly, occasionally, during a fierce lightning
storm. Lightning will strike a person standing outdoors. It might be
wise to seek cover during storms.
The prudent galactic Explorer has learned to detect impending thunderstorms
and their associated lightning strikes, and how to take cover from these events,
making them far less likely to be struck by lightning.
See Also: ExplorerSurvivalAlter weatherSense weather
Usage: where
Tells you the location of a monster, a player or an object.
Immortals may type 'where' without arguments to see where
everybody is.
> where
> where torch
> where droid
Usage: who [minlev[-maxlev]] [-n name] [-c classes] [-zaqimorejtu]
Classes: (D)ark Jedi, (J)edi Knight, (S)muggler,
(M)ercenary, (B)ounty Hunter, (T)echnician, and Medi(C).
-z = who is in the current 'Z'one.
-a = list r'A'ce instead of title.
-g = only show Le'G'endary players.
-q = only show 'Q'uestors.
-i = only show 'I'mmortals.
-m = only show 'M'ortals.
-o = only show 'O'utlaws.
-r = only show members of the 'R'ebellion.
-e = only show members of the 'E'mpire.
-j = only show members of the 'J'edi Order.
-t = only show members of the 'T'echno Union.
-u = only show 'U'naligned patrons.
Usage: whoami
Print your character's name. If you forget who you
are from time to time but manage to remember this
command then you will be rewarded with one answer.
Memory loss continues with age. Always ensure that
the UNIX essentials are burned into your memory.
See Also: WhoOmicron
Usage: wield
For wielding a weapon.
> wield blaster
> wield 3.blaster (Wield the third blaster in your inventory)
Weapons require 2 hands, 1 hand, or can be HELD in the offhand.
Wielding two handed weapons obviously require BOTH hands and
you won't be able to hold anything in your offhand.
See Also: EquipmentRemoveWearMulti wield
Usage: wimpy [hp]
Use the WIMPY command to automatically flee once
your hitpoints drop below a certain level.
> wimpy 35
Okay, you'll wimp out if you drop below 35 hit points.
> wimp 0
Okay, you'll now tough out fights to the bitter end for more experience.
> wimpy
You are a tough guy, in it 'till the end.
NOTE: There is a bonus for taking a risk and playing with wimpy off.
When wimpy is turned off you will receive a 10% experience bonus.
See Also: SwimpyToggleFlee
Usage: wizlist
Lists the most powerful beings on the MUD. These are the people
responsible for administering the system.
See Also: HeroImmortalMasters
Usage: write